Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Juvenile Delinquency Should Severity Of Punishment For...

Juvenile Delinquency: Should Severity of Punishment for Young Offenders Be the Same as Adults? Throughout centuries of development, crime and social safety are still the biggest concerns for a country since it can influence the political, economic, and social aspects. With the evolution of human civilization, more than seventy percent of the world has been urbanized into developed countries. These countries contain advanced technologies, highly-comprehensive policies and economic system. Along with the inclusive developments, â€Å"the law affects nearly every aspect of our lives every day† (â€Å"Canada’s System of Justice†, 2015, p. 1), including laws for crimes, rules of conduct, and solutions of conflicts. As one of the developed countries among†¦show more content†¦In Canada, the â€Å"Criminal Justice System† is divided into two main branches: the adult criminal system which deals with crimes in adults who are above the legal age, and the youth criminal system which particularly targets young criminals. This research paper will be distributed into three parts: firstly introducing both adult and juvenile justice systems in Canada, and the differences between each other; secondly determining whether young offenders should receive the same punishments or sentences as adults in three criteria, including the biological factors, seriousness of crimes, and the psychological effects of punishments; lastly suggesting some improvements of these justice systems that the judicial authorities in Canada can consider in the future. The perspective of this paper will be â€Å"young offenders should not receive ‘all’ punishments as same as adults, but they should receive the same severity as the seriousness of the crime†. Descriptions of the Youth and Adult Justice System Within criminology, age is an important portion in the judicial judgements as the punishments and sentences for committing crimes can be altered according to criminals’ age. Nowadays, worldwide justice systems mainly sub-grouped into two: the youth and adults. In Canada, the â€Å"Youth Justice System† specifically deals with youth crimes. The federal government has established the laws and improve them base on the current situation after certainShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Delinquency in the United States1585 Words   |  6 PagesJuvenile Crime Statistics Wendy R Swartz Keiser University Abstract: In this document, the topic of juvenile delinquency in the United States is thoroughly examined. 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