Saturday, May 23, 2020

Business Ethics Study Poerty in America - 1612 Words

Week 3 Case Study 3.3 Poverty in America Stacey Curry Business Ethics Upper Iowa University Professor Kalai McHan TRY TO TURN POVERTY TO POSITIVE In the time of the Great Depression back in 1930’s, where a time where four million Americans had fallen into poverty. Then in 2008 the economy experienced a serious economic meltdown crisis and recession, at this time 44 million adults now live below the poverty line officially defined as an income below $10,830 for a single adult or less than $22,050 for a family of four (Shaw, 2013 p.132). The economy today in my opinion, where poverty is still a huge impact due to the cost of living going up but the income is not changing and it appears people are digging themselves into bigger holes.†¦show more content†¦A major factor determining whether someone will end up living in poverty, education or skill level can make or break an income. Education plays a vital role in acquiring jobs, learning new skills, and bringing home necessities and comforts of life; also include overpopulation, and high stands or living. As it states in our reading, â€Å"most poor people in our nation---about two-thirds of them---are white, but blacks are about two and a half times more likely to be poor. Whereas one out of every ten white Americans is poor, one of every four African Americans and one out of every five Hispanics live below the poverty line† (Shaw, pg.133). As we can see with these statistics, race plays a major role in poverty. I think the causes of poverty fall both into structural and individual. Poverty is structural because its deprivation that is reinforced by economic and social barriers preventing access to skills, employment opportunities as well as better housing. Without economy today, a lot of people are living in poverty and unless our economy changes, I think the poor don’t have a choice but to live in poverty. On the other hand, it can also be individual as well because if you’re not willing to fight and try for your own well-being, then it’s not the economies fault you’re living in poverty. Even though this economy isn’t helping, that should be enough motivation for anyone to try anything possible to live a healthy poverty free life.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Character Analysis The Most Dangerous Game By Richard...

The Most Dangerous Game The Most Dangerous Game is one of the most intriguing short stories ever made. The story was made by Richard Connell on September 16, 1932 and is a book generally about hunting. To go more in depth, it’s a book about hunting humans. It takes place on a Caribbean island in the early 20th century. The main idea of this story is about a man named Sanger Rainsford that fell overboard and ended up swimming to a nearby island inhabited by a man named General Zaroff and his friend Ivan both of which are Cossacks. Both characters encounter each other when Rainsford knocks of the door of Zaroff’s chateau. The two discuss about how Zaroff hunts an interesting animal, humans. Rainsford is then forced to play the â€Å"game†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Lastly, Rainsford would be described as brave because he decided to play the game with Zaroff. This is shown in the text when Rainsford ways â€Å"I wish to go today.† Said Rainsford.† (P age 52) This shows that Rainsford finally gave into Zaroff’s game. Throughout the story, Rainsford’s actions, thoughts, and feelings show that he is a very strategic, incredibly smart, and brave person. Zaroff is also very similar to Rainsford in one way. General Zaroff is similar to Rainsford because he is also smart but Zaroff is very different from Rainsford because he is cruel and interesting. General Zaroff is similar to Rainsford because they are both smart and Zaroff shows this in the story because he’s found Rainsford even when Rainsford covered his tracks. Zaroff shows this when it says â€Å"it’s General Zaroff. He made his way along with his eyes filled in utmost concentration of the ground before him.† (Page 53) This shows General Zaroff is smart because he is still about to find Rainsford even when the trail he left behind was obscured. Zaroff is also very different from Rainsford because he is cruel which is shown when he admits he en joys hunting humans. This is stated in the story when Zaroff says â€Å"I hunt the scum of the earth-sailors from tramp ships-lascars, blacks, Chinese, whites, mongrels-a thoroughbred horse orShow MoreRelatedInfluence Of A Life By Richard Connell And Edgar Allan Poe1600 Words   |  7 PagesLife Richard Connell and Edgar Allan Poe, two of the most famous authors at the time, are recognize by the different types of literature they wrote. Several of these pieces are still popular today. In many cases the life of the author can impact the different themes, or the techniques they use in their stories. Richard Connell’s and Edgar Allan Poe’s backgrounds reflects in the writing techniques they used to captivate their audience. Biography of Richard Connell The famous writer Richard ConnellRead MoreThe Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell Essay1033 Words   |  5 PagesIn many stories, there exist antagonists that cause a conflict. The author emphasizes this in two stories, â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† and â€Å"The Lady and the Tiger† where their descriptions include craze and evil. The short story, â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†, by Richard Connell, tells about a stranded man, Rainsford and his meeting of General Zaroff, who believes he possesses the right to kill other humans. The short story, â€Å"The Lady or the Tiger†, by Frank R. Stockton tells of how a king uses â€Å"fate†Read MoreLiterary Analysis of the Most Dangerous Game Essay1222 Words   |  5 PagesLiterary Analysis of The Most Dangerous Game Richard Connell’s The Most Dangerous explains multiple theories, such as nature versus nurture, and survival of the fittest. This short story also seems to have an underlying theme of Social Darwinism (Of Two Classes). Throughout the entirety of the short story, Connell shows a character change of a main character, Rainsford, who is at a constant battle with General Zaroff, the antagonist. This character change shows the importance of the mindsetRead MoreThe Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell1722 Words   |  7 Pagesthe higher powers that be - these are all crucial characteristic of the exemplary horror story; a representative of the dark side of literature. The Most Dangerous Game, a short story written by Richard Connell focusing in on the interactions between two avid hunters fighting for ultimate victory, and the extent of danger carried by the game, incorporating all of these characteristics to create a scene of depiction unparalleled in its vividness, its dire atmosphere, its anticipatory nature, andRead MoreMost Dangerous Game vs. Young Goodman Brown Essay2278 Words   |  10 Pages ENGL 102-B19 6 February 2012 The Most Dangerous Game vs. Young Goodman Brown In two of the most well-known short stories, â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, there are ironic similarities portraying evil between their settings, characterization, and plot. I. There happen to be different settings in both of the short stories but both of the settings adapt well with their plots. a. In the short story, â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† the setting takes place in the early 1920’sRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesLine 58 Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences Important Areas of Self-Awareness 61 Emotional Intelligence 62 Values 65 Ethical Decision Making and Values 72 Cognitive Style 74 Attitudes Toward Change 76 Core Self-Evaluation 79 SKILL ANALYSIS 84 Cases Involving Self-Awareness 84 Communist Prison Camp 84 Computerized Exam 85 Decision Dilemmas 86 SKILL PRACTICE 89 Exercises for Improving Self-Awareness Through Self-Disclosure 89 Through the Looking Glass 89 Diagnosing Managerial CharacteristicsRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesComing Attractions: Developing an OB Model 23 An Overview 23 †¢ Inputs 24 †¢ Processes 25 †¢ Outcomes 25 Summary and Implications for Managers 3 0 S A L Self-Assessment Library How Much Do I Know About Organizational Behavior? 4 Myth or Science? â€Å"Most Acts of Workplace Bullying Are Men Attacking Women† 12 An Ethical Choice Can You Learn from Failure? 24 glOBalization! Does National Culture Affect Organizational Practices? 30 Point/Counterpoint Lost in Translation? 31 Questions for Review 32 Experiential

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Juvenile Delinquency Should Severity Of Punishment For...

Juvenile Delinquency: Should Severity of Punishment for Young Offenders Be the Same as Adults? Throughout centuries of development, crime and social safety are still the biggest concerns for a country since it can influence the political, economic, and social aspects. With the evolution of human civilization, more than seventy percent of the world has been urbanized into developed countries. These countries contain advanced technologies, highly-comprehensive policies and economic system. Along with the inclusive developments, â€Å"the law affects nearly every aspect of our lives every day† (â€Å"Canada’s System of Justice†, 2015, p. 1), including laws for crimes, rules of conduct, and solutions of conflicts. As one of the developed countries among†¦show more content†¦In Canada, the â€Å"Criminal Justice System† is divided into two main branches: the adult criminal system which deals with crimes in adults who are above the legal age, and the youth criminal system which particularly targets young criminals. This research paper will be distributed into three parts: firstly introducing both adult and juvenile justice systems in Canada, and the differences between each other; secondly determining whether young offenders should receive the same punishments or sentences as adults in three criteria, including the biological factors, seriousness of crimes, and the psychological effects of punishments; lastly suggesting some improvements of these justice systems that the judicial authorities in Canada can consider in the future. The perspective of this paper will be â€Å"young offenders should not receive ‘all’ punishments as same as adults, but they should receive the same severity as the seriousness of the crime†. Descriptions of the Youth and Adult Justice System Within criminology, age is an important portion in the judicial judgements as the punishments and sentences for committing crimes can be altered according to criminals’ age. Nowadays, worldwide justice systems mainly sub-grouped into two: the youth and adults. In Canada, the â€Å"Youth Justice System† specifically deals with youth crimes. The federal government has established the laws and improve them base on the current situation after certainShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Delinquency in the United States1585 Words   |  6 PagesJuvenile Crime Statistics Wendy R Swartz Keiser University Abstract: In this document, the topic of juvenile delinquency in the United States is thoroughly examined. Approximately 1.5 million minors (those are citizens who are under the age of 18) are arrested for criminal activity each year in the US. These juveniles are arrested for a variety of crimes; everything from petty vandalism and loitering to prostitution, drug dealing, and even murder. Of these, 70% of offenders will be tried andRead MoreThe Canadian Juvenile Justice System Essay1171 Words   |  5 PagesYouth and juvenile crime is a common and serious issue in current society, and people, especially parents and educators, are pretty worried about the trend of this problem. According to Bala and Roberts, around 17% of criminals were youths, compared to 8% of Canadian population ranging between 12 to 18 years of age between 2003 and 2004 (2006, p37). As a big federal country, Canada has taken a series of actions since 1908. So far, there are three justice acts in the history of Canadian j uvenile justiceRead MorePros And Cons Of Juvenile Offenders1024 Words   |  5 PagesJuvenile Offenders or Adult Criminals? The act of participating in a crime by a minor is considered juvenile delinquency. This criminal act may be punished by many different means, designed specifically to deal with those who are under the statutory age of majority, which is the threshold of adulthood in law. However, many people argue that the severity of the juvenile prosecution system isnt high enough to order proper punishment. Therefore, juvenile offenders should be tried under adult laws.Read MoreThe Population Of The Us1721 Words   |  7 Pagesbenchmark of eighteen years and are classified as juveniles. This group of individuals has enlarged over the last three decades and is expected to exhibit an increasing pattern for another decade too. Demographic experts assert that juveniles can be divided into further sub-groups and with an increase in their overall population, number of children and youth in different classes will change accordingly. As the proportion of likable offenders rises, the juvenile justice syst em will display transformationsRead MoreThe Punitive And Rehabilitative Approach As An Indispensable Part Of The Criminal Justice Reform Issue3487 Words   |  14 PagesOverview Offender incarceration is an indispensable part of the criminal justice reform issue. This paper contrasts the punitive and rehabilitative approach as two central areas of offender incarceration. The contemporary society presents individuals with divergent viewpoints on methods of dealing with offenders. A section of the public believes that offender incarceration is not an effective method of dealing with offenders. Most offenders from prison end up engaging in criminal activities and findRead MoreAutomatic Transfer Law: An Effective Policy? 1218 Words   |  5 Pagesa national study of how the juvenile court judge weighs the pertinent Kent criteria. This criterion is based on the potential risk to the community, the maturity of character and amenability to intervention. The purpose of this study is three fold, first to test the juvenile court judges beliefs regarding the mechanics of how juveniles are transferred, second to examine the judges beliefs about the usefulness of data p resented of them and third determined how juvenile judges weigh pertinent psychologicalRead MoreEssay on Juvenile Offenders 2518 Words   |  11 Pagesacquires a gun and shoots another youth who has been harassing them. There is no doubt they should receive some sort of punishment for their actions. However, should they receive this punishment through the Juvenile Courts or Criminal Courts? This is the question, which has no real definitive answer. However, this paper will attempt to address some important issued concerning this matter. Studies have shown that juvenile crime was on the raise during the beginning of the 1990’s. During the late 1990’s andRead MoreEssay on History of the Juvenile Justice System1477 Words   |  6 PagesRUNNING HEAD: HISTORY OF THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM Juvenile Delinquency: The History of the Juvenile Justice System Shandi Lillard Kaplan University CJ 150 – 02 Professor Raymond Keefauvor June 14, 2011 The History of the Juvenile Justice System The Juvenile Justice System is seen by many as being ineffective in treating the youth of this country, the programs are outdated and there seems to be little, if any hope that these youth will stay on the right path once released backRead MoreSystem For Minor Offenders With Adult Charges1849 Words   |  8 PagesSystem for Minor Offenders with Adult Charges The expression is if you can t do the time, don t do the crime, but what happens when the criminal can t legally do the time? When a minor commits a crime, it is a unanimous decision that punishment is necessary to what extent should they be punished. That is where the Juvenile justice system comes into place; providing alternatives to minors committing adult crimes. Sentences such as; community service, probation, and detention centers are all differentRead More Preventing Juvenile Delinquency Essay2173 Words   |  9 PagesPreventing Juvenile Delinquency There is a saying that history often repeats itself. If this is a true saying, then society will have to deal with the complex issue of juveniles delinquents, who may eventually become adult criminals, as societies in time past dealt with the same conflict. Moreover, if this saying is true then the community in which juvenile delinquencies exist must have the tools necessary to divert the youth from crime. If one is to convert delinquent youth’s behavior, they

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gun Control Is Not New - 1815 Words

Gun control is not new. It has been an issue here in the United States for years. Ever since the 1970s, politicians, mostly democrats, have been to trying to write and pass laws that will restrict the sale, trade, transportation, manufacturing and possession of certain guns and ammunitions. Guns, such as rifles, assault rifles, revolvers, pistols, submachine guns, and several other guns that are dangerous to the public are guns that the government wants to ban. The reason why has to do with all the mass shootings that have been occurring every year. America is divided into two groups, each with opposing views on whether the government should create laws that allow gun control. People who want several guns and ammunitions to be banned from the public are for gun control. People who are in favor of protecting guns and believe that the people have the right to have any gun are against gun control. There is one other view that is part of the gun control debate, and that is foreigners fro m outside of America. In order to understand the issue of gun control, one must know the position or view of each of the three sides involved; the first being about people in favor of gun control. As stated in the introduction, people who side with the Democratic Party tend to be in favor of writing and passing laws that allows guns to be controlled in order to protect the people. People who are for gun control believe that most of the crimes committed in cities and towns around the UnitedShow MoreRelatedGun Control Laws Is The State Of New York996 Words   |  4 PagesGun control has become a hot topic in recent times with heated debates and strong feelings coming from both sides of the issue on whether or not laws should become stricter. A frontrunner in passing gun control laws is the state of New York. The bill that was passed has tightened the parameters of a preexisting assault weapon ban to reduce the legal limit for rounds of ammunition a magazine clips can carry from ten down to seven and has lowered the previously allowed number of two military styleRead MoreTexas s New Gun Control Policy1876 Words   |  8 Pagesmeans that every single 21 year old or older gets to purchase a gun if they choose to do so and wear it out on the streets. Texas had been going back and forth on whether or not to allow this to pass and in the end it did. Many Texans had mixed emotions about the open carry system and did not approve of it due to situation that might have occurred in their lives or others that hit them hard, and/or because of the sense of fear that guns just can have on a person. Texas’ citizens are usually portrayedRead MoreArticle Review : Pro Gun Control And The New York Safe Act1379 Words   |  6 PagesThe first article that will be discussed in the Literature Review are the pro-gun control views of Robert J. Spitzer in his article NEW YORK STATE AND THE NEW YORK SAFE ACT: A CASE STUDY IN STRICT GUN LAWS. The reason that I selected this article for my Pro gun right argument is that it provided the perspec tive from a state center approach to being proactive with strict gun laws. It broadens the perspective and makes the sample size easy to analyze and makes it easy to compare to other states withRead MoreGun Control Policies Focused On The United States Of Capitol Hill, News, And Social Media2360 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction: Recently, gun control policies focused on what the 2nd amendment allows hav been on the forefront of Capitol Hill, news, and social media. Polar opposite opinions are common and have caused heated debates as well as understandable viewpoints on both sides of the argument. Some of the stakeholders that are most affected by decisions made by politicians would include hunters, criminals, those with psychological conditions, the government, and gun owners or enthusiasts. ThroughoutRead MoreDo People kill People, or do Guns Kill People1705 Words   |  7 Pagesdebate on the topic of gun control. History has shown that there are positive and negative effects of gun control laws and high profile events that have lead to a highly controversial debate. Around 1788, James Madison stated that the Second Amendment was written to assure the southern states that Congress would not â€Å"undermine the slave system by disarming the militia, which were then the principal instruments of slave control throughout the South† (Bogus 1). Gun control laws, which are laws thatRead MoreEssay about Gun Control Will Not Reduce Crime1076 Words   |  5 Pagesimplementation of gun control in the United states is a large problem as it will take away the 2nd Amendment rights and would also stop the ability of law abiding citizens to protect themselves from criminals who obtain guns illegally. The right to bear arms is promised to citizens of the United States, and to put gun control into effect is to take away their Constitutional rights. Crime is very high in cities that have few gun control laws. However, the problem will not be solved by taking guns away fromRead More America Needs Some Gun Control Essay1552 Words   |  7 Pages Gun control is the effort to restrict or limit the possession and use of guns. The gun control debate may be one of the most important issues in our society. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the 2nd Amendment restrains the government’s ability to ban handguns. Some politicians are passionate about gun control and make voting decisions based upon on this issue alone; hence, the people we elect into office directly affect our lives. A few republican politicians have a strongRead MoreGun Control and Mass Shootings1442 Words   |  6 Pages Gun Control The occurence of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting of December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut. The gunman, was 20-year-old Adam Lana, who first shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home. He then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School where he fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members. As first responders arrived, Lana committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. The shooting began at approximately 9:30 a.m. Sandy Hook was the deadliest mass shooting atRead More Gun Control Laws Take Guns Away from Law-abiding Citizens Essay1293 Words   |  6 Pages Gun control is a very big issue in the United States today. Many people dont agree with the gun control laws that they have today. Gun control laws only take guns away from law-abiding citizens. Many people have their own reasons for owning a gun. Why would the government want to make it harder for people to own a gun? People that own guns are not very likely to be attacked by criminals. Owning a han dgun is one of the best ways of protection. The second amendment states the right to bearRead MoreEssay On Gun Control1248 Words   |  5 PagesViews on Gun Control Gun control is one of the few things in today’s society that is a major problem and that is extremely prevalent in the United States. This phenomenon has been a controversy for decades that is still highly debated today. One of the reasons why this topic is so important is because of how dangerous firearms can be towards others or even yourself. Just in the past couple of years there has been multiple incidents involving firearms and death. For example, the shootings at Sandy

Positive Thinking Free Essays

Positive thinking leads a man to success. One who thinks that he can achieve the things, will put his best to achieve, will not fetter by the problems in the path of success and one day he will win positively. Self confidence, determination, perseverance, and hard work are the key factors of success. We will write a custom essay sample on Positive Thinking or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every small or big, easy or complex problem have its solution. There is a way out of every labyrinth, there is an answer to every enigma. The only requirements are the confidence, hard work and determination and you get the answer. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you find any problem, a typical one, don’t lose heart, go ahead and devote yourself fully, analyze each aspect, and get the problem solved. Every invention taken place so far, were riddled with many unfound answers, but the inventor’s zeal and perseverance found the solution and a new invention took place. For a confident person, the word ‘impossible’ is no where in his dictionary. A determined and dedicated person finds way in all complexities undaunted by the initial problems and failures he keeps on finding solution to every teaser and one day he achieves his cherished goal. Dedication, devotion to the task and positive thinking with determination have been the important factors of success of every successful celebrity. Take the recent example Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the widow of Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi, participated and campaigned in the Lok Sabha election 2004, undaunted by the criticism, personal attacks and all kinds of perversities she went alone campaigning alone without having any other ‘Star’ campaigner, covered almost the whole of the country against the BJP and showed the world that congress got the majority. She has shown her unflinching determination, unfettered self confidence, dedication and devotion to the cause without worrying for the results and she is the winner. Every Tom and dick had questioned her nationality, her foreign origin, but she cared a fig for all criticism and showed her caliber. Life is a battle, one has to fight it fearlessly. Fight with confidence, positive attitude, right aptitude, with determined and concentrated efforts, leads to the surest path of success. Fortune is said to favor the brave. God also help those who help themselves. A coward, a pessimist dare not even to fight in the race, it is an optimist and determined soul, who dares to fight, has the chance of success. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins shows that one who constantly tries to achieve something, one who endeavors hard incessantly to achieve something, he is the winner, later or sooner, but a quitter could never be a winner. When Vallabhbhai Patel told that’ Swaraj is my birth right’ so many people find it mere a slogan, but the incessant struggle put by all the freedom fighters supported the claim of Patel and we could win the freedom. Organizing the efforts properly, in right direction, striking at the opportune time, are essential for achieving a target. Optimism, determination, undaunted will power makes every impossible task possible. Confidence is the most important key to success. It boosts the morale and creates determination to attain a goal. The loss of confidence makes a man pessimist, coward or a dead man. The importance of ‘right deeds’ is well emphasized in Bhagwat Geeta: Lord Krishna tells Arjun to follow the path of righteousness, the path of dedication, Do Karma, don’t think about the result, the God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, the results as per your deeds will follow. It should also be remembered that the positive and constructive thoughts which aims for the betterment of mankind are met with success. It should not be riddled with self aggrandizement evil thoughts never bear good results. Your biggest assets are your enthusiasm that enriches with your positive thinking. Never lose hope, keep cheerful put the best possible efforts with your total involvement, have confidence in you and you are the winner. Through positive thinking one can overcome the mountains. One who always think positively even in adverse circumstances wins. Positive thinking always pays. Life belongs to the ambitions. How to cite Positive Thinking, Essay examples Positive Thinking Free Essays Why do so many people readily shuck their responsibilities at the first sign of trouble? After all, are we not all born winners? Why are so many born winners willing to be counted out just when others desperately need to count on them? We already know the answer. Just when we need it the least, that old bugaboo of past negative conditioning has a nasty habit of showing up. Winners, learn to overcome their prior negative conditioning by reconditioning themselves to win. We will write a custom essay sample on Positive Thinking or any similar topic only for you Order Now They never back down from the toughest situations.Winners, like anyone else, are not especially enamored with prospect of having to face up to their problems either. But herein lies the biggest difference between the winners and the pretenders. Winners always Think Positive   to deal with their problems head on and readily accept the challenge of finding a way to make things better, while the pretenders run and hide. The Power of Positive Thinking Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success.It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds. Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results.Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity. It is quite common to hear people say: â€Å"Think positive! † to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means? How to cite Positive Thinking, Papers Positive Thinking Free Essays A Report on Positive Thinking â€Å"How to cultivate it† Positive Thinking Introduction: Positive thinking is a mental attitude. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. A negative mind on the other hand, suffers grief, depression, discomfort and failure. We will write a custom essay sample on Positive Thinking or any similar topic only for you Order Now Positive thinking actually means approaching life’s challenges with a positive outlook. It does not necessarily mean avoiding or ignoring the bad things; instead, it involves making the most of potentially bad situations, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light. Some researchers often frame positive thinking in terms of explanatory style. Your explanatory style is how you explain why events happened. People with an optimistic explanatory style tend to give themselves credit when good things happen, but typically blame outside forces for bad outcomes. They also tend to see negative events as temporary and atypical. On the other hand, individuals with a pessimistic explanatory style often blame themselves when bad things happen, but fail to give themselves adequate credit for successful outcomes. They also have a tendency to view negative events as expected and lasting. As you can imagine, blaming yourself for events outside of your control or viewing these unfortunate events as a persistent part of your life can have a detrimental impact on your state of mind. Positive thinkers are more apt to use an optimistic explanatory style, but the way in which people attribute events can also vary depending upon the exact situation. For example, a person who is generally a positive thinker might use a more pessimistic explanatory style in particularly challenging situations, such as at work or at school. How to cultivate positive thinking: ) Persistence: Once a negative thought enters our mind we have to be aware of it and endeavour to replace it with a constructive one. The negative thought will try again to enter our mind, and again we have to hammer it out. It is as if there are two pictures before us, and we have to look at one of them and disregard the negative one. Persistence will eventually teach our mind to think positively and ignore negative thoug hts. b) Affirmations: Affirmation is a process through which we assure ourselves that out thoughts and actions are on the right path. When we try to review our actions as per the right principles of proper growth of our personalities, we feel assured. Our faith in right thinking and action is an affirmation. c) Concentration: With a view to create an ambience conducive to our growth individually and collectively, we have to stay focused on right goals and proper objectives. Every thought must be logically connected with pointed action. To achieve this we must develop the power of concentration. d) Will power: Will power is the strength of our infinite mind. Human mind has great potential. We need to awaken our mind to lead us towards our decided goals. Hard work and firm faith in our endeavours will enhance our will power. e) Self-discipline: With a view to keep our will power unwavering we must set certain rules of our behavior and follow these rules without compromise. This is called self-discipline. To keep ourselves positive in thoughts and consequent actions, self-discipline is a must. f) Equilibrium of mind: Human mind is like a wind. It wavers when it gets a chance to waver. Sometimes it is overblown with joy and sometimes it is down with depression. Sometimes it is victimized with love positive mind balances all the extremes and stays equiposed. Benefits of Positive Thinking There are several benefits of positive thinking like 1. Formation of constructive attitude: Positive thinking helps us ascertain the plus side of good actions. It helps us find out the merits in others by virtue of which we became acceptable in every society. 2. Confidence-building: Positive thinking builds our self-esteem and self-worth. It helps the process of self-actualization which boosts our confidence level. 3. Success-orientation: Positive thinker is success-oriented. He/she never doubts his/her actions. A positive thinker faces adverse situation with courage and confidence which leads him to ultimate success 4. Logical thinking: A positive thinker never thinks at random. He analyses every thought minutely, thinks about the pitfalls of putting it into action and chalks out an action plan accordingly. 5. Ability to face failure: A positive thinker is never pessimistic. Even if he suffers a setback he doesn’t become nervous. On the other hand he analyses the failure factors and tries to improve them. 6. Ability to rectify mistakes: A positive thinker is like a lion who always looks back his track. If he deviates, he immediately corrects his wrongs. 7. Attainment of mento-physical soundness: A positive thinker gives equal weightage to the fitness of his body and mind. 8. Development of the sense of equality: A positive thinker treats everyone with equality which gives him the required peace of mind. How to cite Positive Thinking, Papers

Cloud Computing in Multinational Companies

Question: Discuss about the Cloud Computing in Multinational Companies. Answer: Introduction The concept of cloud computing is very common in many multinational companies. It manages and manipulates different segments of data and information and make efficiency in an organizational management. In this assignment, the concept of management and remote administration, resource management, application resilience and data backup and recovery has been discussed by the researcher. Management Remote Administration Hardware Requirements Remote administration in a cloud-based environment enables consumers to perform remote administration tasks through shared IT resources requiring minimal effort. It takes account of cloud-based resources, used for the management of cloud services. Cloud service providers make this available for the end consumer, who can administer it. For Central Desktop Servers, it will need an Intel Core i3 (2.0 GHz, 3MB cache), RAM size of 2GB and Hard Disk Size of 5GB for up to 250 computers or devices. For 251 to 1000 devices, RAM size needed is 4GB and Hard drive space is up to 20GB. For 1001 to 3000 users it will require a processor of Intel Core i5 (4 cores/ four threads, 2.3GHz, and 3MB cache), 8GB Ram and 30GB hard disk space. For 3301 to 500 users, processor required is an Intel Core i7 (6core/12 threads, 3.2GHz, and 12MB cache), 8GB RAM and 40GB hard disk space. And for 5001 to 10000 users, processor required is Intel Xeon E5 (8 cores/16 threads, 2.6GHz speed, and 20 MB cache), 16GB Ram and 60 GB or more hard disk space. For Distribution servers hardware requirement, if Distribution server can manage some computers from 1 to 250, processor needed is Intel Core i3 (2.0GHz speed and 3MB cache), 4GB Ram, and 4GB or more hard disk space. For 251 to 500 computers, processor required is same but with 4GB Ram and 8GB hard drive space. And for 501 to 1000 computers, processor required is an Intel Core i5 (4 core/ four threads, 2.3GHz speed and 6 MB cache), 4GB Ram and 12GB hard disk space ( - Remote Administration Environment, 2016). For desktop clients, they will need Intel Pentium processor (1.0 GHz speed), with 512MB ram and 30MB hard drive Operating System required for Desktop central server and Distribution servers are Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Windows Server 2003, 2003R2, 2008, 2008R2 and 2012R2. For Desktop clients, operating system supported are Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and for Server OS, Windows Server 2003, 2003R2, 2008, 2008R2, 2012R2. For Linux OS with later versions are Ubuntu 10.04, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS 6, Fedora 19, Mandriva 2010, Debian 7, Linux Mint 13, OpenSuSE 11, SuSe Enterprise Linux 11. Resource Management According to Tychalas Karatza, (2016), more and more devices connected via cloud-computing network needs to scale dynamically with proper infrastructure and available resources. For this to happen, the load-balancing technique is useful to distribute load among many virtual systems for the cloud service to be always accessible and resources utilized efficiently. In turn, it will improve the cost and save energy wherever possible (Younge et al., 2010). Commonly used load-balancing techniques In Weighted Round Robin, incoming connections distributed sequentially among the virtual machines while the static assigned to every Virtual Machine. This is a preferred method for heterogeneous VMs. In Round Robin, the load distribution technique is same as that of Weighted Round Robin, but the virtual machines need to be homogenous. In the least Connection, incoming connections are distributed among virtual machines based on the connections they have. VM with the least number of connections is selected automatically. In Weighted Least Connection, incoming connections are distributed among virtual machines with the lesser number of active connections while predetermining the static weight of every VMs (Kansal Chana, 2012). Latest algorithms are developed with latest techniques for Web Framework, which can use more than one VM, but problems remain including power outage, system or hardware error, requirement of expensive hardware during scalability and server overloading when many users connect at the same time. The most efficient way to balance loads is using weights' which determines the number of connections for each server and the time it will take to complete each request. The second method is to use Java Parallel Processing Framework (JPPF), which enables a significant workload to split into many smaller parts and execute them on many machines (Tychalas Karatza, 2016). Cloud Resource Management. SLA Management A Cloud service provider has to be capable enough to deliver the services promised within due time, efficiently with ample resources. To guarantee this QOS or Quality of Service, SLAs or Service Level Agreements made between the client and the service provider. SLA can be divided into smaller criteria called SLOs or Service Level Objectives, which creates a threshold for a service to be delivered. The outage in service or service degradation can result in monetary loss. To remedy this, SLA management is needed to make sure that, run-time service properties meets the requirements that are created by the agreement (Rajavel, Mala, 2014). SLAOCMS. It is a 2-step process Agreement of SLA with the cloud service provider capable of delivering the service Monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the service so that quality service is delivered on time meeting strict guidelines as mentioned in SLA (Hammadi, 2013). Backup and Data Recovery Application Resilience As stated by Chang et al., (2016), various classifications of Cloud Computing Resiliency are: Failure forecasting and removal It contains measurements or predictions for failures and its possible consequences. Cloud service providers reorganize their infrastructure or remove degrading software through this strategy. Protection Replication: It is a standard method to duplicate full or partial data in case of failure. It can be active or passive. Example: Active network use RAID for data storage, 1: N protection for communication networks and Passive network uses a dedicated data backup storage (Benameur, Evans Elder, 2013). Checkpoint setting: It saves data at an interval for saving often and restoring when needed. Example: Dynamically adaptive fault-limiting strategy Recovery: It is the effort to recover data after an unexpected failure. Example: standard method is to re-route the traffic and its capacity to restore from a physical failure of networks. Resilient techniques used in cloud infrastructures are as follows: In Design and Operation the techniques are - Power redundancy, resiliency against power quality, heat accumulation, facility access, and facility operation (Colman-Meixner et al., 2015). In Server resiliency failure isolation, PLR or Process-level replication, process checkpoint setting, EDCC or Error detection and correction coding, RAID or Redundant array of independent disks. Backup Plan The customer according to his requirements schedules online backup systems. If it is daily, the data is collected, compressed, encrypted and then send to the service providers server every 24 hours. To limit bandwidth consumption, the service provider may allow incremental backup after the first full backup (Tan et al., 2013). In organizations cloud backup is performed for archiving less critical data. Traditional backup is a better option for critical data, and it requires short recovery time. In the case of significant amount of data, it can be shipped to the provider on a portable storage media. Remote Data Backup Server is when the full backup server of the central cloud is located at a remote location with complete access. For Remote Data backup service, it needs to fulfill the following criteria: Data Privacy, Data Integration, Data Security, Cost Efficiency and Trustworthiness (Kulkarni, 2014). Disaster Recovery Plan Continuity of Cloud service is important in a case of a critical disaster, but not all organizations are equipped to survive the calamity. The disaster can be intentional like DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) or unintentional, like power or network outage. Therefore, the organization must have a DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) or BCP (Business Continuity Plan) proven tested, executed and manageable. Any one of this scheme must fulfill its target while meeting constraints, which includes Recovery Time Objective and Recovery Point Objective (Alhazmi Malaiya, 2013). For firms not being able to afford a plan disaster recovery, it can opt for traditional backups where data is stored on a secondary site. But it can lead to extra expenses and it is the reason only 40 50 percent organizations opt for this. With the emergence of cloud technology, small and medium-sized businesses have opted for it because it reduces costs, requires less infrastructure and with no extra staffing. Also, with pay-per-use model secondary site requirement is obliterated which saves additional expense and the cost is shared among users who use these services (Alhazmi Malaiya, 2013). Amazon Web Service is the provider of choice for the user for the following reasons For Data Resiliency and Recovery, it uses Bucket versioning which creates multiple versions of data and data recovery in case of accidental deletion or overwritten. In the event of a network outage, it has Service Commitment for which it pays Service Credit according to the downtime. SLA Assessment of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Business Policy Amazon Web Service underlines the following policies and clients using it expected to agree with them. Violation of any of them, Amazon will terminate or suspend the services. Some of these are: Refraining from illegal activities including advertising, using gambling sites or services, child pornography, offering fake goods, services or schemes, phishing, etc. Copyright content that may violate the intellectual rights of someone. Offensive content that is obscene, objectionable, invasion of privacy and harmful content that may damage with system and applications including virus, Trojans, etc. No security violations including unauthorized access, interception of traffic without permission and falsifying data origin, like forging TCP-IP packet headers, etc. No network abuse including monitoring or crawling of data, Denial of Service, avoiding system permits. Other forms of abuse include email or message abuse like spamming or assuming a senders identity without proper permission (AWS Acceptable Use Policy, 2016). Guarantee AWS make service commitment that it will make efforts to keep Amazon S3 available online commercially during the monthly billing period. If it does not meet the service commitment, the user will receive a service credit. A Service Credit' is a credit in dollars that is credited back to the eligible Amazon S3 account. It applies to the following condition: Monthly uptime percentage is equal or greater than 99.0% but less than 99.9% then the service credit is 10%. If the uptime percentage is less than 90%, then the credit percentage is 25% (AWS Customer Agreement, 2016). Services The user needs to use the services from his account and in the case of account breaching or loss of information or theft, the client must contact AWS, and he can also terminate the account which is by their Section 7. If the customer needs support other than the support offered by Amazon, then he must contact AWS Customer Support. If the client uses Third Party Content from his account, then any security or system risk is the sole responsibility of the client, as the Third Party Content was not tested by AWS (Service Level Agreement - Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), 2016). Governance and Versioning AWS provides its user with a robust and secure infrastructure in the form of Versioning. Versioning is an additional protection to the data and using it means the recovery of data when the user deletes the data accidentally, overwrite or delete objects. The client can also use Versioning for archival or data retention purposes. Figure: Bucket versioning in AWS (Source:, 2016) AWS uses Bucket Versioning. It allows recovering data from accidental deletion or overwriting. Example, if the user deletes a data instead of removing it permanently, Amazon S3 gives a removed marker, which identifies the current object version. One can always restore the previous version. Another instance, if the client overwrites an object, a new object version created in the bucket. He can restore the earlier version. Support AWS provides three different supports Developer support, Business Support and Enterprise Support. DSI is an enterprise, and so AWS provides Enterprise Support, which provides resources for customers who want to focus on management for increasing availability and efficiency, build a robust architecture with good solutions and best practices and utilizing AWS expertise in migration and launch support. Besides AWS have Technical Account Manager, Support Concierge, and Trusted Advisor for full checks, Infrastructure Event Management, Enterprise Architecture support, Operations Support, AWS supported API, and third party software support. Conclusion The entire assignment concludes with the broad concept of a cloud computing with an appropriate baseline of application resilience and data management and recovery. The researcher has maintained and manipulated several aspects of cloud computing services with respect to organizational managerial service management. The researcher has manipulated the Amazon Web Service for the consideration of operational checklists with references to Morad and Dalbhanjans concept. References Alhazmi, O. H., Malaiya, Y. K. (2013, January). Evaluating disaster recovery plans using the cloud. In Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2013 Proceedings-Annual (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Benameur, A., Evans, N. S., Elder, M. C. (2013, August). Cloud resiliency and security via diversified replica execution and monitoring. In Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS), 2013 6th International Symposium on (pp. 150-155). IEEE. Chang, V., Ramachandran, M., Yao, Y., Kuo, Y. H., Li, C. S. (2016). A resiliency framework for an enterprise cloud. International Journal of Information Management, 36(1), 155-166. - Remote Administration Environment. (2016). Retrieved 23 May 2016, from - Remote Administration Environment. (2016) Retrieved 23 May 2016, from Colman-Meixner, C., Develder, C., Tornatore, M., Mukherjee, B. (2015). 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Friday, May 1, 2020

Efforts save Great Barrier Reef extinction-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Efforts To Save The Great Barrier Reef From Extinction? Answer: Introducation Do you remember the Great Barrier Reef it is regarded as one of the seven wonders of the World and is on the verge of extinction. The Great Barrier Reef is regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the World that consists of the Seven Wonders of the World that may be eventually a structure that is living and is one of the largest. The space that has been selected n the outer world is visible of almost 2000kkm in their length that is almost visible in the Queensland of Australia. The region of the Whitsundays is located on the Great Barrier Reef but on its central portion that has the perfect responsibility base of the exploration on the land of the aquatics. The reef is eventually seen to be protected from the swells of the region that has one of the random safest and the smoothest sailing waters in the world. The heart of the reef is made on an exotic location that serves beautiful holiday destinations. The chosen segment of the business is in the hospitality sector that has it focus primarily on the media sectors that is the guardian magazine the Guardian. Background Te selected sector of the business for this assignment is the hospitality sector in the areas of the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef is regarded as one of the largest reefs in the world (Turcotte 2016). The different group of hotels are the Mantra and the other that are regarded as one of the largest.there are different threats a well that has been eventually analyzed in the set of the course. there are different threats as well that will eventually help in the expansion of the fossil fuels. There is a need of the great importance of the different social sectors and there are eventually now different openings in the hospitality sector that will be much talked about in this assignment. The job openings is quite more than the other sectors and in this areas the people thrive for the different jobs in order to retain themselves in the act of the people. Threats The threats that has been talked about is not the usual one butt of the different bio natural that includes that of the coral reliefs. The hospitality sector is not like the other sectors butt b eventually brings jobs to all the people in that area. The population of this region is not less than 781,200 and that is less than maximum portions of Australia. There is over $14 billion that has contributed to the tourism industry that includes the hospitality sector even (Little et al. 2017). The different sectors are the hospitality, managers, chefs and that of the chefs. The country is based n the different federal followings that are related with the democracies of the other country that will eventually help me in its operations. The different governing bodies that are inclusive of the federal constitutions and follows the different democratic rules of the country and even about the operations about the business. The colony of thee British even and the two territories even has a governor general of a British monarch to be designated at the top of the state. Economical Large sectors of people are availing for the different sectors of the renewable resources (Lance 2016). The Great Barrier Reef is lacking behind than the other states of the Australian country. The GDP of Australia is at par with the four dominant countries of Western Europe. The investments includes the sectors that are full the natural gas and the most of them. There is a large sector of the different natural resources and the economy of the country over the 17 consecutive years even before the financial crisis on a global basis. Social The aborigines are mostly present in Australia and at percentage, it has been found in the Great Barrier Reef. Mostly is present in the different northern part of the country; the rest population is present by different foreigners (Ainsworth et al. 2016). Technological The Great Barrier Reef at a certain point is lacking behind and will eventually overcome with time. Use of the different social software and mediums has been less in this region and the Government is trying hard to promote this region (Williamson et al. 2016). Legislation The Government has allotted a total fund that is 37 and the 2 private Universities. The legal system has few fundamental beliefs that have been based on the different fundamental and judiciary beliefs. As per the constitution, the law of Australia there has been an establishment in the federal system that helps the powers to be distributed between the different states. The laws of Australia have been eventually developed from the sides of the English law. Environmental The Great Barrier Reef has a wide portion of the different plants and animals that are found mostly in their ecosystem. Various national parks and different excellent places will help in the experience of the diversity habitats of the deserts, rainforests and the coral reefs that are inhabited by them (Hoegh-Guldberg and Ridgway 2016). Summing up There is a requirement for different innovational process in order to highlight and improve the Great Barrier Reef. The improvement is required so that an order is put forward the different changes that will be held as a recommendation so that it becomes beneficial to the country. The future of the Great Barrier Reef is to make the different people unite and make them work together so that a check on the scope for unemployment can be made The hospitality sector of the Great Barrier Reef is make an updated and expensive to some extent to meet the customers attraction. A limited scope for the growth but the Australian Government is trying very hard to promote this place and to save the coral reef, which are in an endangered positio Conclusion From the above report analysis, it can be deduced that the Great Barrier Reef is suffering a set back in comparison from the other parts of Australia. There is a need to highlight the different areas so that a good promotion can be made on this area. The PESTLE analysis has eventually helped to understanding the external environment that may act as a threat to their country. Reference Ainsworth, T.D., Heron, S.F., Ortiz, J.C., Mumby, P.J., Grech, A., Ogawa, D., Eakin, C.M. and Leggat, W., 2016. Climate change disables coral bleaching protection on the Great Barrier Reef. Science, 352(6283), pp.338-342. Hoegh-Guldberg, O. and Ridgway, T., 2016. Coral bleaching hits Great Barrier Reef as global temperatures soar. Green Left Weekly, (1090), p.10. Lance, R., 2016. Great Barrier Reef. LiNQ (Literature in North Queensland), 34(1). Little, L.R., Punt, A.E., Tuck, G.N. and Mapstone, B.D., 2017. Exploring the effect of sampling, protogyny, and larval advection on stock estimates subject to no-take closures in a spatially complex coral reef line fishery on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, (ja). Turcotte, G., 2016. Great Barrier Reef. LiNQ (Literature in North Queensland), 15(1). Williamson, D.H., Harrison, H.B., Almany, G.R., Berumen, M.L., Bode, M., Bonin, M.C., Choukroun, S., Doherty, P.J., Frisch, A.J., Saenz-Agudelo, P. and Jones, G.P., 2016. Data from: Large-scale, multi-directional larval connectivity among coral reef fish populations in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.